The Soapbox


Joined: 04/30/2006 Posts: 44690
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It's mildly amusing watching the Three Stooges try to gaslight you.

What a bunch of weirdos. At least for Hooda it's all just a game. I think, anyways.

(In response to this post by Seattle .Hoo)

Posted: 04/12/2019 at 1:14PM


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Current Thread:
Rosenstein: You libs are acting bizarre. -- JMHoo 04/12/2019 10:12AM
  Doesn't Mueller also have confidence in Barr?** -- Tuckahokie 04/12/2019 12:43PM
  Just another "toady". ** -- Hoodafan 04/12/2019 12:48PM
  I see those Russians EVERYWHERE!!!!! ** -- ResistHoo 04/12/2019 12:47PM
  Lol. ** -- hoothat 04/12/2019 12:58PM
  I didn't say it was a lock. You said that. ** -- Seattle .Hoo 04/12/2019 1:02PM
  You are living in fantasyland. ** -- hoothat 04/12/2019 12:43PM
  You're setting yourself up. ** -- hoothat 04/12/2019 12:25PM
  I'm setting myself up. How so? ** -- Seattle .Hoo 04/12/2019 12:28PM
  Eh, just watch. Time will tell. -- hoothat 04/12/2019 12:32PM
  Really? And what will happen to me? ** -- Seattle .Hoo 04/12/2019 12:36PM
  You are willingly doing the Russians dirty work -- TomKazanski 04/12/2019 12:41PM
  Yeah here we go, empty headed parrots for trump -- 111Balz 04/12/2019 1:39PM
  Laughable coming from you. ** -- Seattle .Hoo 04/12/2019 12:48PM
  I was? Wow, I didn't even know. ** -- Seattle .Hoo 04/12/2019 12:50PM
  What you think you know is so pathetic its almost -- 111Balz 04/12/2019 1:40PM
  Squawk away in your continued denial. ** -- Hoodafan 04/12/2019 2:06PM
  Lol. Projection. ** -- hoothat 04/12/2019 1:42PM
  Did I? When? ** -- Seattle .Hoo 04/12/2019 12:53PM
  You'll find a new talking point to regurgitate? -- hoothat 04/12/2019 12:37PM
  I'm plenty awake right now. I don't like what I see. ** -- Seattle .Hoo 04/12/2019 12:47PM
  *frown* ** -- hoothat 04/12/2019 12:55PM
  I have no doubt you think you're Woke. :-) ** -- Hoodafan 04/12/2019 12:49PM
  LOL! Well, at least you said no offense. ** -- Hoodafan 04/12/2019 12:55PM
  LOL. Hi Jackie! ** -- hoothat 04/12/2019 2:07PM
  Your last line....what a crock of bullshit. ** -- Seattle .Hoo 04/12/2019 12:37PM
  You lie! ** -- WaxHoo 04/12/2019 10:20AM
  Where did Rosenstein say "libs?" ** -- WaxHoo 04/12/2019 10:29AM
  What's your hallucination this time? ** -- WaxHoo 04/12/2019 11:12AM
  No, you are the one struggling. smh. The whole -- 111Balz 04/12/2019 11:24AM
  Bizarre.. -- hoothat 04/12/2019 11:28AM
  LOL. Where do you see quote marks? -- JMHoo 04/12/2019 10:32AM
  Do you know how quotes work? The point is -- 111Balz 04/12/2019 10:43AM
  ...Lol, it's called a summary... ** -- hoothat 04/12/2019 11:47AM
  JM asserted; he didn't imply. ** -- WaxHoo 04/12/2019 11:15AM
  Agree ** -- 111Balz 04/12/2019 11:23AM
  You may need a straight jacket. ** -- Hokieesith 04/12/2019 10:27AM
  The struggle with his epic butt hurt is real. ** -- Hoodafan 04/12/2019 10:29AM
  L even louder OL ** -- WaxHoo 04/12/2019 10:42AM
  LOL ** -- WaxHoo 04/12/2019 10:29AM

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